About the Course
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You know how many defense contractors find government regulations like NISPOM difficult to apply? Well I help cleared defense contractors understand NISPOM by walking them through it chapter by chapter and helping them understand how to apply it in their organizations.
This course introduces the National Industrial Security Program (NISP) so that the student can better grasp the elements of National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM). When finished, the student will have a better understanding of how it applies to their cleared employees and facilities.
This is great training for seasoned and new Facility Security Officers, new Cleared Defense Contractors, Cleared Employees, and those studying for Industrial Security Professional (ISP) and Industrial Security Professional Oversight Certification (ISOC). Bennett Institute is launching NISPOM Fundamentals. We have assembled over 8 hours of NISPOM training. This webinar is perfect for: Newly cleared employees New Cleared Defense Contractor leadership New FSOs Those studying for certification (ISP, ISOC, etc) Students who want to learn more about NISPOM This training includes ALL the NISPOM and not just part of it. We go through all the chapters and annexes. Classification Classified Processing on Information Systems Reporting requirements Closed areas International Classified meetings Protection Subcontracting and much more It’s all in one place.
This is great training for seasoned and new Facility Security Officers, new Cleared Defense Contractors, Cleared Employees, and those studying for Industrial Security Professional (ISP) and Industrial Security Professional Oversight Certification (ISOC).
About the Instructor
Jeffrey W. Bennett, SAPPC, SFPC, ISOC, ISP are his DoD Certifications to protect government secrets. Jeff is an expert on security and risk management and provides training to security cleared employees on security requirements and coaches on how to get a security clearance.Jeff's first book was a study guide for security certification. He took the test and passed, but did not experience some of the issues other test takers had. His study method helped him sail through the exam and he knew he could help others do the same. He wrote a short study guide and made it available to colleagues and they encouraged him to get it online so others could benefit.Soon after, Jeff began writing other security books and courses, soon starting his company Red Bike Publishing, LLC. He is also busy consulting on how to get a security clearance. After that, he wrote Get Rich in a Niche to teach others how to build their own businesses.